heres a tip FUCK OFF!!!!!!!
i like to think of my self as a work in progress others say i suck... im working on a flash... and lots and lots of songs...
Age 30, Male
Flash Artist
hank middle school
somewhere in nevada
Joined on 1/16/09
heres a tip FUCK OFF!!!!!!!
im sorry if you suck ballz at flash kid...go find a cock 2 suck on
Just wanted to say thank you for your comment on my last post, it meant a lot to me and even though I don't know you, I feel like I have a friend out there. ( I know it sounds corny, but it was really nice of you dude).
As far as your request for a demonic pre-loader............ how about two demons throwing puppies into the fire and as they throw them the flames grow and the game starts to load with the flames, you know like the flames are inside the loading bar or something. Hope I helped.
thank you ill work with that
Ciao anche tu sei italiano giusto? Mi fa piacere trovare un compaesano che sa usare Flash come me :)
...a dire il vero io sono bilinguo...
go to
oh thanks!!! i'd like an idea too mr.legendary